My projects and portfolios

Here are a few of my Projects and portfolios I did in School and also for myself at home. The links either redirect you to the «Portfolio» on Mahara or to a GitHub-Repository.

School File Manager

The School File Manager is a PowerShell-Script wich automaticly moves downloaded files from the "Downloads" directory into the directory of the respective Module number.

LA-1303 MusicPlayer

This is a MusicPlayer wich runs on the web. You can upload Tracks from your device and play them.

Portfolio Gridcontainer

In this Portfolio I describe the goal of using Gridcontainers in HTML and how it is used.

LA-1304 CodeComrade

CodeComrade is a Discord bot programmed in Python wich uses the gpt-2 neural network to give information about coding-related topics.

Invoke-Command Powershell

In this portfolio I describe what the Invoke command does in Powershell and how it is used.